Türk Arkeoloji ve Kültürel Miras Enstitüsü

Institute Personnel Training

It is intended that any and all personnel, who will serve at the Turkish Institute of Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, will be subjected to the "Common Basic Training" program. The Research Personnel, Laboratorians, Archive Personnel-Library Personnel and personnel to be employed in the Budget-Financial Affairs department will receive the "Special Field Training" in addition to the "Common Basic Training". The two-week theoretical portion of the "Field-Expertise-Training", which will be held in the institutions at home and in the European Union, will be performed in the Headquarters of the Institute in Gaziantep, and the 1+1 week application portion thereof will be performed in Italy and Istanbul.


  • Research Personnel: The courses on the Field Archaeology, Literature Research Methods, editorship will be provided by the expert lecturers who will be invited to the Institute. The Excavation and Surface Research Internships will be held; and it will be ensured that the interns are assigned to the important excavations and researches, containing the proper circumstance and lecturers to be selected by the Institute, in addition to the theoretical courses. Also, it is intended to assigned the researchers to a well-established institute in order to increase their institutional experience.


  • Laboratorians: The theoretical and technical lectures will be provided by the expert lecturers who will be invited to the institute. Each personnel will be assigned to any of the laboratories, in which the best infrastructure and experts are available in the field/analysis group of their interest, and they will receive internships in their area of responsibility. Thus, it is intended to increase both the technical knowledge and institutional experience of the laboratory personnel.


  • Archive and Library Personnel: The courses will be provided by the expert lecturers to the experienced and trained personnel to be employed. It is intended that such personnel will be assigned to important archaeology libraries, which will be selected by the Institute, and in which the most proper circumstances and experts are available, and that they serve their internship in order to increase their technical knowledge and skills and their institutional experience.


  • Budget and Procurement Personnel: The experienced and trained personnel employed will receive theoretical courses from the expert lecturers who will be invited to the Institute. İt shall be ensured that they will serve their internship in the important archaeology institutes, which will be selected by the Institute, and in which the best circumstances and experts are available, in order to increase the technical knowledge, skills and institutional experience of the personnel.
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