Türk Arkeoloji ve Kültürel Miras Enstitüsü

Certificate Programs

An effective and dynamic training, which intends improvement of the public with respect to the archaeology and cultural heritage, is expected through the program organized under the headings of Education and Civil Society Dialogue of the Project of the Turkish Institute of Archaeology and Cultural Heritage. It is intended that the participants of the pilot training program designed will be equipped as trainers, and that they are able to provide trainings to the other groups. The main purpose of the "Training for Trainers", which is drawn up based the principle for "Providing contribution to formation of a management and society that is trained and conscious about the cultural heritage" that is one of the main objectives of the Institute, is to popularize the awareness of culture and history, and to strengthen the active interest and sense of protection, for the children, especially for the young persons. Accordingly, the primary target audience has been determined as the young persons of high school. Gaziantep, in which the headquarters of the Institute is situated, has been elected as the sample/pilot scheme area. The participants have been granted with certificates upon completion of the training.

  • To increase the sensitivity of the young persons of high school to the basic matters such as archaeology and conservation.
  • To enable the young persons of high school to provide trainings to the secondary school students in order to raise awareness about the culture, archaeology and history.
  • To popularize the awareness of cultural heritage by reaching their families and friends through the young persons participating in the program.

Method: The program intends to understand and love the history by means of the ancient ruins and historical objects, and to improve the cultural and historical awareness through the same. Thus, a process for the purpose of conservation will be realized. The matters for enabling the young persons to be able to mentor/lead the sub-groups upon being trained, thus, popularizing the training have been adopted as a model. A dynamic and active training model has been preferred.

The method and results of this pilot scheme will be disclosed to the National Education Directorates, and it will be made efforts in order to popularize the same. The attendance to the trainings to be provided to the high school students of 2nd grade has been performed on a voluntary basis.

Before the program, which consists of two organically associated main sections, the students have been informed about the archaeology and the training program.

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