Türk Arkeoloji ve Kültürel Miras Enstitüsü

Barbaros Murat KÖSE

T.C. Hazine ve Maliye Bakanlığı, Merkezi Finans ve İhale Birimi Başkanı

He was born in 1980 in Ankara.

He holds bachelor's degrees at Environmental Engineering and Business Management Departments, and master's degrees in Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management.

Having started his career in 2003 and served as an engineer in the private sector for a short period and as a Research Assistant in the Faculty of Engineering at the Anadolu University, Mr.Kose continued his public service, he has started as an Environmental Engineer within the organization of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry in 2006, by serving as an Assistant Specialist at the Directorate General of EIA and Planning.

Mr. Kose, who started to hold his new office as the Contracting Manager at the Central Finance and Contracts Unit within the organization of the Undesecretariat of Treasury in 2007, has been subsequently assigned to serve as the Vice President in 2017, after having served as the Contracts Department Coordinator, Project Management Department Coordinator and Quality Assurance Controller, respectively, at the Unit. He has been serving as the Vice President, Central Finance and Contracts Unit, since August 27, 2021.

Possessing substantial experience and being the author of various publications and thesis studies in respect of contracting and contract management as per the procedures and principles as adopted by the European Union, Mr.Kose have also attended many seminars, panels and congresses, domestically or internationally, as a speaker and moderator.

Mr. Kose, who is married and is the father of 2 children, has a good command of English.

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