Türk Arkeoloji ve Kültürel Miras Enstitüsü

The installation works for the History is Looking at You, Archeology Exhibition in Ara Güler's Photographs, which will be held in the institute's central building, exhibition, and conference hall, have took start. The exhibition, which includes 133 images from 22 different areas selected by Engin Ozendes, can be visited in the institute's central building.

I.National Archeology Council commissions held their first meetings. Some of these meetings were held at the institute headquarters in Gaziantep and some were held online due to the pandemic.

4-7 November 2021

As the Second Training program, trainings were given to High School Students in Gaziantep at the Institute Center. Approximately 90 students from Gaziantep High School and Bahcesehir College attended.

22-24 October 2021

The first training for the Representatives of Non-Governmental Organizations was given in the Institute Center Gaziantep on the 22nd-23rd of October. Within the scope of this training, more than 120 attendees participated in the trainings.

Eğitim programlarını izlemek için tıklayınız.

A meeting was held with the heads of the Commissions for the I.National Archeology Council, which is planned to be held in May at the Institute. 11 commission titles were determined and meetings were held with 11 commission Chairmen and Ministry Officials.


Türk Arkeoloji ve Kültürel Miras Enstitüsü, bünyesindeki laboratuvar ile ülkemizdeki Arkeometri ve Alan Arkeolojisi laboratuvarlarına sahip ilk enstitüsü statüsünde.

Bilim Kurulu’nun önerileri doğrultusunda tamamlanarak kullanıma hazır hâle gelen ve cihaz alımları tamamlanan arkeometri laboratuvarı, aynı zamanda arkeometrik araştırmalarda analitik tekniklerin öğretilmesini destekleyecek bir merkez olacak.

Laboratuvarın, nitelikli bilimsel araştırmaları yürütmesinin yanı sıra restorasyon ve konservasyon birimleriyle çalışarak mevcut altyapıya katkıda bulunması da amaçlanıyor. Laboratuvar içerisinde yer alan, alan arkeolojisi birimi (field archaeology) ise arkeolojik saha çalışmalarına önemli destekler sağlayacak.

Arkeolojik kazılardan elde edilen örneklerin yurt içinde analiz edilmesini sağlamak üzere tasarlanan Arkeometri Laboratuvarı, arkeometrik yayınlarla da Türk Arkeolojisini destekleyen ‘yol gösterici’ bir kurum olacak.

Arkeometri Laboratuvarı’nın üstlendiği temel görevler ise şöyle sıralanıyor:

  • Türkiye’de arkeometri ve koruma alanında hizmet veren diğer ilgili laboratuvarları ve kurumları birbirine bağlayan bir merkez olarak hareket etmek, arkeometrik analizler yapan diğer kurumlarla irtibatta olmak ve bir iletişim ağı oluşturarak Türkiye için analiz alt yapısı içeren çerim içi veri tabanı hazırlamak ve analiz talep eden arkeolog ve araştırmacıları mevcut opsiyonlar konusunda bilgilendirmek;
  • Yakın bölgedeki arkeologlar, konservatörler, mimarlar, restorasyon uzmanları, araştırmacılar, diğer ilgili bilim insanları ve öğrenciler için laboratuvar teknikleri ve analitik prosedürler hakkında önerilerde bulunan, metodoloji oluşturan bir merkez hâline gelmek;
  • Arkeolojik çalışmalarda ve kültürel miras yönetiminde analizleri tanıtmak, genişletmek ve gelecek nesiller için ‘gelenek oluşturmak’ amacıyla arkeometrik teknikler konusunda öğrencilere ve araştırmacılara eğitimler vermek;
  • Arkeolojik analiz ve koruma uygulamalarında laboratuvar teknikleri ile koruma ve restorasyon müdahalelerinde müzelere ve kazılar daire başkanlıklarına önerilerde bulunmak, arkeolojik örneklerin analiziyle ilgili yurt dışı izinleri için önemli bir danışma kanalı olmak;
  • Buluntu depolarını hem dijital hem de maddi bir arkeolojik bilgi arşivi olarak derleyerek kültürel mirasın korunmasına destek olmak;
  • Arkeometri Laboratuvarı’nın bünyesinde yer alan X-ışınları Difraksiyonu, X-ışınları Floresans Spektrometresi, Taramalı Elektron Mikroskobu dâhil tüm cihazların kullanımı, bakımı ve koordinasyonunu gerçekleştirmek;
  • Analiz taleplerini hizmet ölçümleri çerçevesinde zamanında yapmak;
  • Yapılan analizlerle ilgili ulusal ve uluslararası dergilerde bilimsel yayınlar çıkartarak Enstitü laboratuvarını akredite bir arkeometri merkezi hâline getirmek;
  • Türkiye ve yurt dışından gelen lisans ve lisansüstü öğrencileri, doktora sonrası araştırma görevlileri ve ziyaretçi araştırmacılara, etütlük örnekler üzerinde enstrümantasyon ve analizlerin değerlendirilmesi hususlarında eğitim vermek;
  • Dış destekli projelere başvurup araştırma projeleri yürütmek;
  • Arkeometri temalı lisans ya da lisansüstü tez çalışmalarında öğrencilere destek vermek, gerektiğinde eş danışmanlık görevi üstlenmek;
  • Enstitü laboratuvarında cihazlar, arkeometri ve konservasyon üzerine atölye çalışmaları yürütmek;
  • Laboratuvarı daha kapsamlı hâle getirmek için cihaz repertuvarını genişletmeye ön ayak olmak.


Arkeometri Laboratuvarı ile ilgili daha fazla bilgi edinmek için lütfen BURAYA TIKLAYIN.

T.C. Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı ile Gaziantep Büyükşehir Belediyesi ortaklığında, Avrupa Komisyonu desteğiyle Türkiye Cumhuriyeti ve Avrupa Birliği’nin birlikte finanse ettiği Türk Arkeoloji ve Kültürel Miras Enstitüsü için hazırlık çalışmaları tamamlandı.

Enstitü, 1898 yılından bu yana Anadolu’da faaliyet gösteren yabancı misyonlara ait sekiz arkeoloji enstitüsünün yanında ‘ilk millî arkeoloji enstitüsü’ olma özelliğini taşıyor.

Türk ve İslam arkeolojisi odağında faaliyet gösterecek Enstitü’nün temel amacı; ülkemizde ve kültürel, tarihi bağlarımız olan dünyanın diğer bölgelerinde insanlığın ortak birikim ve değerlerini esas alarak arkeoloji ve kültürel miras konusunda bilimsel araştırmalar yapmak ve benzer araştırmaları çeşitli yöntemlerle teşvik etmek olarak özetleniyor.

2014 yılında Gaziantep Büyükşehir Belediyesi Başkanı Fatma Şahin’in ilk adımı atmasıyla başlayan Enstitü hazırlıklarında sona yaklaşıldı. Avrupa Birliği ile yürütülen görüşmeler sonunda projelendirilen Gaziantep merkezli Türk Arkeoloji ve Kültürel Miras Enstitüsü’nün ardında, yedi yıl süren bilimsel çalışmalar ile Türkiye ve Avrupa’dan 430 kültür, sanat, bilim insanının yanı sıra bürokratların ve teknik uzmanların da katkıları var.

Aralık 2018’de başlayan Türk Arkeoloji ve Kültürel Miras Enstitüsü projesi; merkez görevi görecek Gaziantep’teki tarihi Kendirli Kompleksi’nin (Kendirli Kilisesi ve Latin Okulu) restorasyonu ve T.C. Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı adına Hale Ural ve Hakan Tanrıöver’in koordinasyonundaki teknik destek ekipleriyle kuruluş çalışmaları olmak üzere iki alanda yürütüldü. Restorasyonu 2020 yılında tamamlanan Kendirli Kompleksi, Enstitü merkezi, Arkeoloji İhtisas Kütüphanesi ve etkinlik alanlarının yanı sıra Arkeometri Laboratuvarı’na da ev sahipliği yapıyor. Enstitü, Arkeometri Laboratuvarı ile Türkiye’nin ‘saha yönetimi’ laboratuvarına sahip ilk enstitüsü özelliğini taşıyor.

Öte yandan, Kültür Varlıkları ve Müzeler Genel Müdürlüğü, Cumhuriyet ve Osmanlı arşivlerindeki 1 milyon 500 bine yakın belgenin taranmasıyla ilk Dijital Arkeoloji Arşivi oluşturuldu. Dijital Arşiv, dünyanın önemli arkeoloji enstitülerinin veri tabanlarıyla uyumlu bir sisteme sahip.

Enstitü’nün kuruluşu sırasında pek çok farklı alandaki çalışmalar, konunun uzmanları tarafından yürütüldü. Kütüphane, Dijital Arşiv, Arkeometri Laboratuvarı’nın yanı sıra arkeoloji alanına yoğunlaşan Yayınlar, bilimsel Hakemli Dergi, Eğitim Programları, Burs ve Destek Programları ile Yasa, yönerge ve yönetmelik hazırlıkları da tamamlandı.

T.C. Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı’nın ana faydalanıcı, Gaziantep Büyükşehir Belediyesi’nin ise yan faydalanıcı olarak yer aldığı ve Avrupa Birliği destekleriyle hayata geçen projeyle, ülkemizde yıllardır dile getirilen bir eksiklik tamamlanarak hem geleceğin bilim insanlarına ve çalışmalarına ışık tutulması hem de geniş halk kesimlerinin arkeoloji ve kültürel miras konularında farkındalık kazanması hedefleniyor.


The project stakeholders, expert team and technical support team came together during the meetings hosted by the Kendirli Complex in Gaziantep, which is intended to constitute the center of the Institute. The presentations were performed with respect to the restoration, publications, archeometry laboratory, library, and digital archive, archaeological tour routes, exhibition preparations in relation to the progress of the project as well as with respect to the communication and legal process, the trainings, and the works in relation to the council.

During the meetings, in which the opening speech was performed by Fatma Sahin, the Metropolitan Mayor of Gaziantep, and all aspects of the project were discussed, and a road map was drawn by exchanging opinions.

"The Turkish Archeology and Cultural Heritage Institute, which will serve under the umbrella of the Turkish Archeology and Cultural Heritage Foundation, hosted the Abdulhamit Gul, the Minister of Justice, on the 3rd day of Ramadan Feast. Minister Gul stated that they will be the "follower of the Law-related works on the establishment of the Foundation".

Abdulhamit Gul, the Minister of Justice, visited the Turkish Archeology and Cultural Heritage Institute in Gaziantep. Gul, the Minister, was accompanied by Davut Gul, the Governor of Gaziantep, and by Fatma Sahin, Metropolitan Mayor of Gaziantep.

Received information about the Institute, which was launched under the partnership of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Turkey and Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality, and with the support of the European Union, the Minister Gul visited the exhibition in the Kendirli Complex, which shows the establishment, development, and activities of the Institute.

Expressing that he found the Institute's works extremely successful and impressive, Minister Gul explained that "they will follow up and support the Law-related works that are required for the establishment of the Turkish Archeology and Cultural Heritage Foundation, together with the deputies of Gaziantep".

Stating that he is "pleased and excited about the contributions to Turkish culture" of the archive that is located in the complex and is the first specialized library in the field of Turcology, Mr. Gul suggested the establishment of an outdoor library also under the umbrella of the Institute.

The delegation that paid special attention to the balcony in the Kendirli Complex, where Veteran Mustafa Kemal Ataturk called to the citizens of Gaziantep when he came to the city to spend the Ramadan Feast in 1933, made examinations in the Archeometry Laboratory that became ready for use through being completed per the recommendations of the Science Committee of the Institute and has the feature of 'site management'.

The works of the Turkish Archeology and Cultural Heritage Institute continue with the contributions of 430 cultural, artistic, and scientific people from Turkey and Europe. Among the projects that are planned to be completed soon, there are the publication of books containing scientific studies in the field of archeology and a Refereed Journal. The Institute continues its preparations for the trainings that address different groups from academicians to youth and for the Archeology Council.

The first 'Digital Archeology Archive' of Turkey will also be brought to life under the umbrella of the Institute. For the library where rare works of art will be available, 1.5 million documents of the 100-year-old State Archives have been scanned so far. In the library that will function as the Turcology Specialization Library, digital infrastructure has been prepared for accessing the libraries of archeology institutes located abroad.

Some of the devices, which are purchased for the Archeometry Laboratory that will serve at the Kendirli Complex in Gaziantep, were delivered and installed. The devices were received by Gulsu Simsek Franci, one of the project experts, and by Ilkay Ivgin, an authorized person of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Turkey.

Kekova preliminary review was carried out together with the authorized persons of the Ministry and the experts with respect to the field management of the Project in Kekova, Antalya.


Muhammed Hakan Tanriover / Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Counsellor to the Minister

Hale Ural / Ministry of Culture and Tourism / Project Coordinator

Prof. Dr. Nevzat Cevik / Team Leader

Guniz Atis Azrak / Key Expert

Levent Cirpici / Expert

Mehmet Bulbul / Expert

Rifat Onur IBCI / Expert

Ilkem Aslan Asilsoy / Expert

Sevinc Eser / Project Assistant

The Head of EU Delegation to Turkey, Ambassador Nikolaus Meyer-Landrut has visited the Turkish Institute of Archeology and Cultural Heritage. Examining the complex and the Archeometry Laboratory at the Kendirli Cultural Center in Gaziantep, which has undergone restoration to operate as an institute center, Meyer-Landrut emphasized the value of cooperation between institutes and artists in Turkey within the framework of 'culture negotiations' with the EU and dialogue with civil society.

Turkish Archeology and Cultural Heritage Institute, co-financed by the Republic of Turkey and the European Union, in partnership with the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Turkey and Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality, with the support of the European Commission, hosted Ambassador Meyer-Landrut, Libor Chlad from the EU Delegation to Turkey, and Ambassador Meyer-Landrut's wife Madeleine Meyer-Landrut.

During the visit made to Gaziantep Kendirli Cultural Center, the Ambassador Meyer-Landrut and his companions were welcomed by Davut Gul, Governor of Gaziantep, Fatma Sahin, Metropolitan Mayor of Gaziantep, Prof. Dr. Nevzat Cevik, Hakan Tanriover, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Counsellor to the Minister and Project Officer, and Mehmet Bulent Ozturk, Provincial Director of Cultural and Tourism of Gaziantep.

Expressed their satisfaction with being a shareholder in the establishment of Turkey's Archeology Institute, which is of great importance to the EU, Meyer-Landrut said, "the foundations of 'new' cultural and science bridges are laid between the EU and Turkey by this means". Emphasizing the value of cooperation between institutes and artists in Turkey within the framework of "cultural negotiations" and civil society dialogue with the EU, Meyer-Landrut expressed his excitement from "the launch of this cultural investment during his term". Meyer-Landrut, who also works on history, expressed his desire to contribute to the Institute's publications that he gives a special place.

During the Visit, the Outcomes of the Intensive Works of 430 Scientists, Artists, Technical Teams, and Bureaucrats were Conveyed

Speaking on behalf of the Institute, Prof. Dr. Nevzat Cevik said: “The Institute, whose establishment has been dreamed of for more than 100 years and whose deficiency has always been expressed, was established to further develop the science of archeology in Turkey, to support those working in this field in all matters, and to provide coordination between relevant institutions. The Institute to become a 'home' with great power through the contributions of all stakeholders, also contributes to the development of international dialogue between Europe and Asia with the common culture nurtured by the deep history. The visit of Ambassador Meyer-Landrut is also very valuable in this sense.”

Emphasizing that the Archeology Institute will be the first institute in Turkey to have a 'site management' laboratory, with the Archeometry Laboratory prepared per the recommendations of the Science Board, Hakan Tanriover emphasized that with the project, he managed to bring together prominent experts in different disciplines of culture and art from Turkey and Europe.

Tanriover said: “Our works are coming to life with the efforts of 430 individuals in the fields of culture, art, and science. In this sense, we ensure coordination in different fields, from scientific efforts to publications, from education to culture and arts events, and tourism and promotion, along with very valuable names who put their expertise and efforts forward. The efforts and guidance of Hale Ural, Prof. Dr. Nevzat Cevik, Prof. Dr. Kutalmis Gorkay, Prof. Dr. Aydin Gulan, Prof. Dr. Edibe Sozen, Prof. Dr. Rana Ozbal, Prof. Dr. Fahri Temizyurek, Dogan Hizlan, Fahri Aral, Architect Levent Cirpici, Asim Erverdi, Guniz Atis Azrak, and Asli Gungor lay at the center of our efforts.”

Within the framework of the Institute's support for scientific studies, initially, the "excavation notebooks" related to Turkish archeology were digitized. The first Digital Archeology Archive actualizes by the Archeology Institute through the scanning of 1.5 million documents in the state archives and the preparation of a collection of 50 thousand digital libraries. Following the publication of 27 works of art that will be brought to the cultural life as of mid-February, the educational activities, for which the curriculum has been completed, will take start in April according to the pandemic conditions.

The Head of EU Delegation to Turkey, Ambassador Nikolaus Meyer-Landrut has visited the Turkish Institute of Archeology and Cultural Heritage. Meyer-Landrut reviewed the complex and the Archeometry Laboratory at the Kendirli Cultural Center in Gaziantep, which has undergone a restoration in order to operate as the headquarters of the Institute.


Nikolaus Meyer-Landrut / Head of EU Delegation to Turkey, Ambassador

Libor Chad / EU Delegation

Madeline Meyer-Landrut

Davut Gul / Governor of Gaziantep

Fatma Sahin / Metropolitan Mayor of Gaziantep

Bulent Ozturk / Provincial Director of Cultural and Tourism of Gaziantep

Prof. Dr. Nevzat Cevik / Team Leader

Rifat Onur IBCI / Expert

During the works designed by the architects Levent Cirpici, Gokhan Berk, and Onur Ozbasbug, the original frescoes were released by removing two concrete slabs and eight layers of mortar.

The Institute broke new ground once again with the completion of the Archeometry Laboratory that was built as a single storey in the garden of the complex without deforming the historical texture.

Turkish Archeology and Cultural Heritage Institute, co-financed by the Republic of Turkey and the European Union, in partnership with the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Turkey and Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality, with the support of the European Commission, is a study that will be realized in our country "for the first time".

We will be able to establish our 'own' institute in Anatolia, where eight foreign institutes have been operating so far.

More than a century later, this institute is being established to raise the science of archeology and to establish the Turkish archeology school.

Efforts for the institute continue with the contributions of 430 archeology experts in the fields of culture, arts and science from Turkey and Europe. One of these efforts is on publishing...

One of the main goals is to publish scientific studies and books accessible to everyone.

In this regard, the Turkish Archeology and Cultural Heritage Institute works to reach curious readers both in the field of history and archeology and from all segments of society through qualified publications.

Aiming to publish important works for Turkish archeology and archeological science, the Institute also plans to publish books for special groups such as children.

The publications that are almost finalized will begin with 15 new books and 10 reprints...

Books to be newly published:


May 19 and July 28, 2020

During the meetings that were held to shed light on the corporate identity design of the Turkish Archeology and Cultural Heritage Institute, and the sustainable planning and management of this identity; a sustainable 'reason for existence' and 'value system' proposition was revealed as to constitute the main axis that will ensure alignment with the establishment and activity targets of the Institute and all communication studies to be carried out from now on. The meetings were held online within the framework of the coronavirus measures.


Muhammed Hakan Tanriover / Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Counsellor to the Minister

Hale Ural / Ministry of Culture and Tourism / Project Coordinator

Prof. Dr. Edibe Sozen / Communication Expert

Ali Saydam / Communication Expert

Dogan Hizlan / Author, Member of the Editorial Board

Fahri Aral / Member of the Editorial Board

Prof. Dr. Aydin Gulan / Legal Expert

Prof. Dr. Fahri Temizyurek / I. National Archeology Council, Head of Secretariat

Prof. Dr. Veysi Isler / Virtual Reality Expert

Prof. Dr. Kutalmis Gorkay / Member of the Editorial Board

Assoc. Dr. Rana Ozbal / Archeology Expert

Assoc. Dr. Hakan Oniz / Underwater Archeology, Expert

Levent Cirpici / Architect, Member of the Science Committee

Mehmet Ulusel / Corporate Identity, Visual Design and Design Expert

Sermet Tolan / Publisher

Mehmet Bulbul / Financial Management Expert

Asim Erverdi / Member of the Editorial Board

Ozalp Birol / Suna Inan Kirac Foundation, General Manager of Culture and Art Enterprises

Zihni Tumer / CerModern, Founding Partner, Director of Culture and Art Programs

Gultekin Cizgen / Photographer, Art Writer, Curator

Asli Gulgor / Technical Support Project Director

Ilkem Asilsoy / Event Management Expert

Kenan Carpan / Expert

Zehra Kafkasli / Communication Expert

Ankara February 12, 2020; Gaziantep March 5, 2020

Remarks: During the meetings, a "draft program" was drawn up with respect to the trainings to be organized for students, NGOs and personnel both under the project of the Turkish Institute of Archeology and Cultural Heritage and after establishment of the Institute. This "draft program", which also reveals the training vision of the Institute, was submitted for the opinions and assessments of the Training Commission.



Muhammed Hakan Tanriover / Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Counsellor to the Minister

Hale Ural / Ministry of Culture and Tourism / Project Coordinator

Prof. Dr. Nevzat Cevik / Team Leader

Prof. Dr. Atilla Engin - Member of the Education Commission

İlkay Ivgin / T.C. Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Archeologist

Alessandro Bianchi / Team Leader (Key Expert)

Scott Redford / University of London, Member of the Education Committee

Kutalmis Gorkay / Ankara University, Member of the Education Committee

Tulay Yenice / Hasan Kalyoncu University

Serhat Yenice / Hasan Kalyoncu University

Prof. Dr. Fahri Temizyurek / I. National Archeology Council, Head of Secretariat

Prof. Dr. Edibe Sozen / Hasan Kalyoncu University

Ilkem Aslan Asilsoy / Expert

Deniz Hemen Aydin / Translator

A meeting was held with the Members of the Editorial Board and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Turkey with respect to the books of the authors and the dates of delivery of the books.



Muhammed Hakan Tanriover / Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Counsellor to the Minister

Hale Ural / Ministry of Culture and Tourism / Project Coordinator

İlkay Ivgin / T.C. Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Archeologist

Prof. Dr. Nevzat Cevik / Team Leader

Huseyin Baran / Lawyer

Sermet Tolan / OFFSET Publication

Dogan Hizlan / Hurriyet

Selim Karlitekin / Dergah Publications

Tolga Gulec / OFFSET Publication

Sahin Kureta / Translator

Melike Bal / Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality

Guniz Atis Azrak / Key Expert

Mehmet Ulusel / Member of the Editorial Board

Fahri Aral / Member of the Editorial Board

Alessandro Bianchi / Team Leader (Key Expert)

Deniz Kureta / Translator

Assoc. Dr. Rana Ozbal / Archeology Expert

Ilkem Asilsoy / Event Management Expert

Mertcan Celik / Project Assistant

The Italian Ambassador visited the Institute Building and received information about the Project works on December 05, 2019.



Massima Gaiani: Italian Ambassador

Alessandro Bianchi / Team Leader (Key Expert)

Muge Alsancak Storm / TUMAS (Turkish Engineering Consulting & Contracting Co.)

The books to be brought to the Institute were discussed with the valuable authors and academicians in Turkey.



Muhammed Hakan Tanriover / Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Counsellor to the Minister

Hale Ural / Ministry of Culture and Tourism / Project Coordinator

Dogan Hizlan / Author, Member of the Editorial Board

Ali Akin Akyol / Archeologist

Lee Clare / German Archeological Institute

Kaan Ucsu / Author, Istanbul University

Huseyin Baran / Lawyer

Asim Onur Erverdi / Editor-in-Chief of Dergah Publications

Mehmet Ihsan Kara / Dergah Publications, Editor

Selim Karlitekin / Dergah Publications, Editor

Hakan Oniz / Archeologist, Akdeniz University

Handan Muberra Turgut / Author

Fahri Aral / Member of the Editorial Board

Asli Gulgor / Technical Support Project Director

Alessandro Bianchi / Team Leader (Key Expert)

Prof. Dr. Nevzat Cevik / Team Leader / Member of the Editorial Board

Guniz Atis Azrak / Key Expert

Deniz Hemen Aydin / Translator

The mission and vision of the Institute in the field of archeometry were discussed by the restoration and conservation managers, academicians and experts, coming from the various provinces of our country, during the meeting held at the campus of the Union of Municipalities of Turkey. The opinions were exchanged about the deficiencies of the country in this regard as well as about how the Institute could overcome the same and what mission it could assume.



Prof. Dr. Nevzat Cevik / Team Leader / Member of the Editorial Board

Assoc. Dr. Rana Ozbal / Archeology Expert

Alessandro Bianchi / Team Leader (Key Expert)

Hale Ural / Ministry of Culture and Tourism / Project Coordinator

Mahmut Aydin / Batman University

Recep Kuzu / TCF DATU Lab (Cultural Heritage Preservation and Natural Dyes Laboratory of the Turkish Cultural Foundation)

Asli Gulgor / Technical Support Project Director

Muhammed Hakan Tanriover / Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Counsellor to the Minister

Ali Akin Akyol / Archeologist

Kameray Ozdemir / Hacettepe University

Nese Oyal / Director General of MTA

Turhan Dogan / TUBITAK MAM (Marmara Research Center of the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey)

Muhittin Gormus / YEBIM (Earth Sciences Application and Research Center)

Hatice Yildiz / Regional Restoration and Conservation Laboratory of Nevsehir

Yasemin Dalgic / Regional Restoration and Conservation Laboratory of Bursa

İlkay Ivgin / T.C. Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Archeologist

Cuneyt Kubat / Regional Restoration and Conservation Laboratory of Diyarbakir

Omer Kontoglu / TAEK (Turkish Atomic Energy Authority)

Melike Ayaz / KUVAM (Directorate General of Cultural Assets and Museums)

Zeynep Kara / KUVAM (Directorate General of Cultural Assets and Museums)

Serpil Ozdemir Ozbey / KTB (Ministry of Culture and Tourism)

Ufuk Kocabas / Istanbul University

Hande Kilic / Regional Restoration and Conservation Laboratory of IBB (Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality)

Cengiz Ozduyguku / ARKLAB

Cagla Cakir / Regional Restoration and Conservation Laboratory of Izmir

Mustafa Gunes / KTB (Ministry of Culture and Tourism)

Lokman Kemaloglu / KTB (Ministry of Culture and Tourism)

Harun Gullu / KTB (Ministry of Culture and Tourism)

Ayse Barut Corbaci / Regional Restoration Laboratory of Gaziantep

Yilmaz S. Erdal / Hacettepe University

Eftal Kiraz / Regional Restoration and Conservation Laboratory of Istanbul

Neval Discioglu / KTB (Ministry of Culture and Tourism)

During the meeting held in Gaziantep, project experts shared processes and developments related to all components.



Deputies of the Republic of Turkey

Nejat Kocer

Ahmet Uzer


Davut Gul / Governor of Gaziantep

Fatma Sahin / Metropolitan Mayor of Gaziantep


Ministry of Culture and Tourism

Muhammed Hakan Tanrıöver

Hale Ural

Bülent Öztürk


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Adnan Kececi / Ambassador


Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality

Nuri Gazyağcı

İrem Elbeyli


İlhami Kılınç / MÜSİAD


Gaziantep University

Ali Gur

Hulya Arslan


Mehmet Sari / Mayor of Nizip Municipality

Mehmet Ozkececi / Sehitkamil Municipality

Guner Dagli / Sanko University

Prof. Dr. Edibe Sozen / Hasan Kalyoncu University


Project Team:

Alessandro Bianchi / Team Leader (Key Expert)

Guniz Atis Azrak / Key Expert

Assoc. Dr. Ali Akin Akyol / Archeologist

Assoc. Dr. Rana Ozbal / Archeology Expert

Ibrahim Fuat Ozcorekci / Expert

Mehmet Ulusel / Expert

Ibrahim Halil Ada / Expert

Prof. Dr. Veysi Isler / Expert

Prof. Dr. Aydin Gulan / Expert

Rifat Onur Ibci / Expert

Ilkem Aslan Asilsoy / Expert


Mertcan Celik / Project Finance Officer

Nergiz Ulucay / Project Officer

It was gathered with all components of the project of the Turkish Institute of Archeology and Cultural Heritage in the series of meetings held at Istanbul Marmara Hotel.



Prof. Dr. Olus Arik

Sermet Tolan


Ministry of Culture and Tourism

Muhammed Hakan Tanrıöver

Hale Ural


Project Team:

Alessandro Bianchi / Team Leader (Key Expert)

Prof. Dr. Nevzat Cevik / Team Leader

Guniz Atis Azrak / Key Expert

Ali Akin Akyol / Expert

Assoc. Dr. Rana Ozbal / Expert

Mehmet Ulusel / Expert

Scott Redford / Expert

Muberra Genc / Project Director

Mertcan Celik / Project Finance Officer

The Research Conference was held with the Heads of Archeology Institutes of Missions of Other Countries with the participation of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Turkey, Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality, Central Finance and Tenders Unit, and the Heads of the Archeology Institutes of Missions of Other Countries in Turkey. The purpose of the research conference is to determine the contributions and requirements of the Institute in collaboration with the archeology community. During the meeting, all attendees verbally confirmed their cooperation by expressing their ideas about the duties and mission of the Institute.



Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality

Fatma Sahin / Metropolitan Mayor of Gaziantep

Ahmet Ertürk

Serdar Murat Gürsel


Central Tender and Finance Unit Authorities

Bahadır Alacalı

Engin Yarahmet


Ministry of Culture and Tourism

Muhammed Hakan Tanrıöver

Hale Ural

Bülent Öztürk

İlkay İvgin


Birol Ekici / General Secretary of the Union of Municipalities of Turkey


Gaziantep Directorate of Surveying and Monuments

Kemal Yenmez

Mustafa Ayar


Member of UNESCO- ICOMOS Turkey National Committee

Hakan Öniz

Tamer Gök


Sachihhiro Omura / Japon Arkeoloji Enstitüsü Direktörü

Nehemia Strupler / Fransız Arkeoloji Enstitüsü Direktörü

Katya Piesker / Alman Arkeoloji Enstitüsü

Abdullah Kızılcık / İstanbul Üniversitesi Avrasya Araştırma Merkezi Müdürü

Mahmut Özden / İTO-BİRYAP

Tuncer Demir / Akdeniz Üniversitesi Akdeniz Uygarlıkları Araştırma Enstitüsü

Oğuz Tekin / Koç Üniversitesi AKMED Türk Eskiçağ Bilimleri Enstitüsü Direktörü

Lutgarde Vandeput / İngiliz Arkeoloji Enstitüsü

Umay Oğuzhanoğlu / Akcay Pamukkale Üniversitesi Arkeoloji Enstitüsü Müdür Yrd.

Fokke Gerritsen / Hollanda Arkeoloji Enstitüsü

Gülay Mercan / Hasan Kalyoncu Üniversitesi


Sachihhiro Omura / Director of the Japanese Institute of Archeology

Nehemia Strupler / Director of the French Archeological Institute

Katya Piesker / German Archeological Institute

Abdullah Kizilcik / Director of Istanbul University Eurasia Research Center

Mahmut Ozden / ITO-BIRYAP

Tuncer Demir / Akdeniz University Mediterranean Civilizations Research Institute

Oguz Tekin / Director of Koc University AKMED Turkish Institute of Ancient Sciences

Lutgarde Vandeput / British Archeological Institute

Umay Oguzhanoglu / Akcay Pamukkale University Archeology Institute Director Assist.

Fokke Gerritsen / Dutch Archeological Institute

Gulay Mercan / Hasan Kalyoncu University


Project Team:

Alessandro Bianchi / Team Leader (Key Expert)

Prof. Dr. Nevzat Cevik / Team Leader

Guniz Atis Azrak / Key Expert

Assoc. Dr. Rana Ozbal / Expert

Ibrahim Halil Ada / Expert

Muberra Genc / Project Director

Mertcan Celik / Project Finance Officer

The 41st International Excavation Research and Archeometry Meeting was held in Diyarbakir with more than 300 distinguished attendees, including scientists from the field of archaeometry and archeology, and academics specialized in art history. During the meeting, information was given on the efforts and roadmap of the Turkish Archeology and Cultural Heritage Institute. On the other hand, the ideas of all attendees about what the mission of the Institute should be were collected in writing.



Ministry of Culture and Tourism

Muhammed Hakan Tanrıöver

Hale Ural


Project Team:

Alessandro Bianchi / Team Leader (Key Expert)

Ayse Ege Yildirim / Cultural Heritage Expert (Key Expert)

Selda Tan Dilek / Communication Expert (Key Expert)

Mertcan Celik / Project Finance Officer

Nergiz Ulucay / Project Officer

Nadir Alpaslan, the Deputy Minister of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Turkey, visited the Institute Building situated in Gaziantep. Mr. Alpaslan were accompanied by Fatma Sahin, the Metropolitan Mayor of Gaziantep, and the authorized persons of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Turkey and the Project Team.



Nadir Alpaslan / Deputy Minister of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Turkey

Fatma Sahin / Metropolitan Mayor of Gaziantep

Muhammed Hakan Tanriover / Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Counsellor to the Minister

Hale Ural / Ministry of Culture and Tourism / Project Coordinator

Prof. Dr. Nevzat Cevik / Key Expert

Güniz Atis Azrak / Key Expert

During the meeting attended by the project team and the officials of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Turkey, the personnel of Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality were informed about the project of the Turkish Archeology and Cultural Heritage Institute.


Muhammed Hakan Tanriover / Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Counsellor to the Minister

Hale Ural / Ministry of Culture and Tourism / Project Coordinator

Prof. Dr. Nevzat Cevik / Key Expert


The Inception Report Assessment Meeting that was held at the Ulus Campus of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Turkey was held in Ankara with the attendance of the Central Finance and Tenders Unit, the European Union Delegation, the EU Presidency, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Turkey and the officials of Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality, as well as the Project Technical Support Team.



EU Delegation

Seda Erden

Central Tender and Finance Unit Authorities

Engin Yarahmet

Presidency of the European Union

Murat Özçelebi

T.R. Minister of Culture and Tourism

Muhammed Hakan Tanrıöver

Hale Ural

İlkay İvgin

Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality

Serdar Gürsel

Fatih Çınk

Project Team:

Alessandro Bianchi / Team Leader (Key Expert)

Ayse Ege Yildirim / Cultural Heritage Expert (Key Expert)

Selda Tan Dilek / Communication Expert (Key Expert)

Prof. Dr. Nevzat Cevik / Key Expert

Güniz Atis Azrak / Key Expert

Ibrahim Fuat Ozcorekci / Expert


Muberra Genc / Project Director

Mertcan Celik / Project Finance Officer

Nergiz Ulucay / Project Officer

Within the scope of increasing the visibility of the Turkish Archeology and Cultural Heritage Institute project, the officials of the Ministry of Culture and Project Technical Support Team attended the Expo Heritage Istanbul Fair between April 11-13, 2019.

Heritage Istanbul is a conservation, restoration, archeology, museum, technology fair, and conference that adopted the matters such as raising the awareness and conservation of the cultural heritage in Turkey as a social mission, and aiming to develop the products, services, and technology accordingly.



T.R. Minister of Culture and Tourism

Muhammed Hakan Tanrıöver

Hale Ural

İlkay İvgin


Project Team:

Alessandro Bianchi / Team Leader (Key Expert)

Ayse Ege Yildirim / Cultural Heritage Expert (Key Expert)

Selda Tan Dilek / Communication Expert (Key Expert)

Muberra Genc / Project Director

Mertcan Celik / Project Finance Officer

Nergiz Ulucay / Project Officer

The opening meeting of the project was held in Gaziantep with the participation of protocol members commissioned in Turkey and European Union institutions and academicians in the fields of culture and arts. 450 people, including the following names, attended the meeting.

Fatma Sahin / Metropolitan Mayor of Gaziantep

Davut Gul / Governor of Gaziantep

Christian Berger / Head of EU Delegation to Turkey, Ambassador

T.R. Minister of Culture and Tourism

Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality

EU Delegation

Central Tender and Finance Unit Authorities

The Head of EU Delegation to Turkey, Ambassador Christian Berger has visited the Turkish Institute of Archeology and Cultural Heritage.



Christian Berger / Head of EU Delegation to Turkey, Ambassador

Muhammed Hakan Tanriover / Ministry of Culture and Tourism

Hale Ural / Ministry of Culture and Tourism

Prof. Dr. Nevzat Cevik / Key Expert

Seda Erden / EU Delegation

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